Continuing the Journey in IT Security

Yup, I'm still here. I'm not going to make any excuses for not writing for the past few months. So I will just get down to my current thoughts. I am continuing my IT Security classes at USF Polytechnic. I have about one year left before graduating with a BSAS-IT with an information security specialization. I am now focusing on the security classes which include Cryptography, Network security and Firewalls and Information Security Management. So far, these classes are helping me learn more about the current security environment where I work as well as reinforcing topics that I feel knowledgable in such as virus protection and PC security. As I stated a few months ago, this blog will slowly turn into IT Security related information and I continue to immerse myself into this field. I love troubleshooting PCs but over the past couple of years, I have become passionate about protecting the network as well as personal PC protection. I have not really attempted any type of hacks in a lab setting but I may do that in the future since that is one way to see where your network is vulnerable. FYI: I do NOT recommend attempting to hack any other company or you might end up in jail like this guy. I guess that is all for now. My next post might be related to a recent homework example involving using AES encryption.
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